Shinseikai is a group dedicated to the exploration of the "hand" (TEE), the root of karate, and the preservation and promotion of traditional karate kata through practice. We conduct
training with a focus on understanding the meaning of the external forms of the kata without ambiguity. We delve into why a particular shape is necessary and why a specific trajectory is
followed, striving to comprehend the significance of each aspect of the kata during our practice sessions. Through this type of kata training, we aim to cultivate a unique internal sensation
referred to as "Naikei" or "inner form." By developing this internal awareness, we seek to acquire the "Zero Power," a distinctive principle of "hand" (TEE) techniques that requires minimal
muscular effort. Our approach emphasizes the cultivation of the "inner form" not merely from a martial arts perspective but as a form of body culture. We welcome those who appreciate the internal
sensations nurtured through kata training from a broader perspective, beyond the scope of combat.
We regularly hold seminars in the above-mentioned areas.